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USTO Oran, 5
- 7 May 2018
The main topics of the conference are:
- Optical Materials:
crystals, thin
films, organic moleculs and polymers, syntheses
and characterization, ...
- Optoelectronics
components and devices:
detectors, Si photonics,
solar cells, modulators, ...
- Light sources,
lasers and lasers processing:
LED, lighting, ...
- Non linear optics:
conversion, solitons, ultrafast phenomena,
bistability, nonlinear phenomena in optical
fibers, ...
- Integrated optics:
components and devices
- Nano photonics:
crystals, plasmonics, near field, metamaterials,
nanowire, nanotubes, nanotehcology, ...
- Fiber and optical
optical fiber, optical
network, transmission, optical devices for
telecommunication, ...
- Bio photonics:
fluorescence microscopy,
optics in random medium, light and medecine,
light and biology,
- Organic photonics:
OLED, organic laser,
organic solar cells, organic components and
devices, ...
- Sensors and optical
optical sensors, adaptative optics, opticla
elements and instruments,LIDAR, ...
- Quatum optics and emerging
quatum optics, cryptography, ...
OPAL 2018 covers a large area of optics and
photonics science and technology.
Authors are invited to submit papers related to optics and
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Under the auspice of the Ministry of High Education and
University of Science and Technology of Oran Mohamed
Boudiaf (USTO)
Optical and Photonics Algerian Society